Immediate Plans for the Future

I have to admit I’m a bit concerned I don’t yet have a grand vision for where all this is headed.  However, I do have a small handful of small projects which may help provide some vision. This particular blog doesn’t really fall within the Grammar Based Universes or Interactive Storytelling categories but is really a combination of both.

The projects I pursue have two purposes:

  1. To push the field of Interactive Storytelling into the next big wave. (Don’t know what the next big wave is yet? Hold on it is coming!)
  2. Create Business opportunities such that I may be able to focus 100% in this direction and provide abundance for my family.

Keeping those themes in mind, here are the next projects to focus on:

  • Create First Unity Project 11/25/13
  • Integrate Houdini with Unity using Houdini Engine
  • Create a moving character in Houdini and get it into Unity
  • Create an articulated character in Houdini and get it into Unity
  • Develop FLOPS engine (It’s gotta be portable, fast and easy to use!)
  • Finish up my HDA builder
  • Test some of Chris Crawford’s ideas
  • Create a Plot Driven Story Universe
  • Port Houdini Engine to other packages such as Cry, Unreal, Frostbite and Touch.
  • Create a story Language based on Chris Vogler’s Writer’s Journey
  • Create larger, all media encompasing story language.

That’s a lot to do … and get it all done by the end of the week? – SURE!

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