Possible Directions for VR?

I came upon an article from Gamasutra lately discussing the possible avenues upon which VR could entertain:


Ultimately the article says that if VR is only good for first person shooters, what else can it be used for?

The article mentions that one of the possible uses of VR could be towards interactive storytelling:

“Interactive narrative (an opportunity to generate different points of connection brought about by presence in a story)”

I concur with this belief for it is one of the angle upon which I believe I will be able to launch Raconteur. Interactive Storytelling is still in its infancy. There is a mountain of work needed to be done before anything like the Holodeck is created. In the US, money for research flows where there is opportunity to make money. This is where I believe VR can help interactive Storytelling. I consulted Chris Crawford about this opportunity. He concluded the more substantial problems of language were slowing the progress of Interactive Storytelling, “the central problems in interactive storytelling are not matters of presentation; our killer problems are matters of language.”

Indeed, VR may be a superficial aspect of Interactive Storytelling especially concerning interpersonal interactions within the story. However, VR Is “virtually” here. By exploiting this wave I feel we could piggy-back the realm of Interactive Storytelling to increase attention and ultimately funding for addressing the big problems within the field. The more people and we have creating demand for Interactive Storytelling, the greater the opportunity to mature it to its full potential.

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