Decisions … Decisions

Within the last couple of days, I have been inundated with possibilities for creating the Raconteur Engine. In the long run, I’ll need to create a brand new engine with behavior and characteristics unto itself. However, I need to start someplace and the best place is where others have already laid down stable tracks. I had always been impressed with the Unity Engine.  However, I have recently been introduced to the High Fidelity Engine and now the Source Engine. Here are their pro’s and con’s.



  • Easy to Use Engine
  • Can Distribute to any platform
  • Huge user community
  • Very Common engine
  • Houdini Engine already ported


  • Program in Java
  • Simplistic Rendering

High Fidelity


  • Massive Cloud computer
  • Very small latency
  • Very Fast
  • Very Progressive


  • No Interface
  • Requires very large amount of programming
  • Huge amount to learn beyond API
  • Tiny user community
  • Not yet “Official”
  • Houdini engine not compatable



  • Huge user community
  • Great distribution method, “Steam”
  • Innovation leader in VR
  • Super smart company – Valve
  • Only on PC’s


  • No GUI
  • Lots of programming
  • Houdini Engine Not Ported
  • Start from Half-life(?)
  • Simplistic Graphics
  • Excellent on PC’s only


Wow, this is going to be harder than I thought. They all have a similar number of pros. Unity seems to have the least number of cons however. I can’t make a decision at this time. I’ll need to define my products and what I anticipate my product progressions to be. When I have a stronger vision on my product line, then I’ll be able to decide where to start.

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