Back Before the new Year!

I have been a bit lax on the blog updates for the last few months.
Never fear, the concepts for iMyth continue to move forward with new ideas, new partners and new innovations!

Keep in contact for information concerning iMyth’s next MVP, (I’ll bet you didn’t even know we had a first :)).

However, supporting the next MVP is this Technology from HTC and Valve. Part of our first MVP involved using simple hand gestures within a VR experience. We generated only mediocre results. Mind you did not allow ourselves much time to fine tweak the experience. Given a weak or so of tuning time I’m sure we could generate something a bit more palatable. The HTC Valve device doesn’t look that much better but who knows, this integrated solution may be all that is needed.


I got the article from an upload VR article. They don’t seem very impressed either. However, after the short experience with the Leap Motion I’m will to give almost anything a try.

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