Tosca AI Engine

Part of my research and definitely a focus of iMyth is to be a generator of immersive theme world experiences. These experiences are not games but on-going interactions between the participant the current theme world. The theme world evolves and adjusts to ensure a rewarding and enriching experience for the participant.

With that thought in mind, enter in the Tosca AI engine created by a Canadian company, Evodant. I was turned on to them through the Gammasutra article, How one studio is building game AI to replicate a human storyteller. The article goes on explaining the goals and ideals of Evodant as they create the Tosca AI engine and their new game, Gyre:Maelstrom to show it off. Ultimately Tosca listens to the participant and watches their activities. From these behaviors, the engine creates subtext in which to influence the participant’s experience unique doctored for that individual. This is just the sort of tool, I believe iMyth is working towards. Combined with Grammar based Universes, technology such as this will help shape the experiences of tomorrow.

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