I just read an article from the New York times, “With New Invention, VR’s Potential for Magic Gets Real“. It is an interesting article that gives a little background information [...]
Lat month, in December, iMyth Demonstrated full body tracking for its interactor using the Perception Neuron tracking outfit. It was an impressive bit of engineering to get the system up and [...]
This is the official iMyth review of the Zero Latency installation in Orlando Florida. Zero Latency, from Melbourne Australia, is one of the pioneering companies producing a new media format [...]
I don’t normally write about improvements in technology. I would rather focus on Story and experience related topics. However this is groundbreaking and will have a significant impact on [...]
First of all, I would like to call out and congratulate Universal Orlando for putting out the money to create The Repository. The Repository represents an entirely new form of transmedia story [...]
It would seem Halloween is the perfect demonstration for creating VR experiences. Big guns like Universal are no exception. A review of their new experience, Universal’s VR Horror [...]
Howdy Gang! It would appear there is yet another additional player into the immersive experience game. The Fear Factory in SLC seems to be combining the concept of immersive VR with traditional [...]
Yesterday was a very exciting day for iMyth. Not only was I treated to the awesome work the artists, producers and engineers were creating, but also we had an opportunity to do the first dry run [...]
I encountered a great article describing The Void and their operation in NYC, Trippy Ghostbuster’s Experience. All in all the Polygon folks seemed very excited. The Void guys described [...]
Now this device definitely looks interesting. Intel Scientist Hints new Vive accessory Embedding function such as collision detection and hand tracking are definitely directions iMyth would wish [...]