A year and a half I had the privilege to attend SteamVR training. Steam tracking is amazing piece of engineering. The solution has only improved with version 2.0 which has just now started releasing.
I was all hopped up and ready to start creating my own Steam VR controllers and tracked object. That was until Triad Semi-conductors, the manufacturer of the new tracking chip released the prices for it’s SDK.
Wow! almost $600 for one kit. My dreams for creating my own controllers for Steam VR were dashed. I did not have those kind of resources. Until I had an actual product to work with this tool kit would have to remain out of my grasp.
Today I learned about another player in the Steam VR line, Virtual Builds, that has just released a new kit for $200.
If purchase a-la-carte the board and sensors would probably still cost you the same. Still, $200 is a lot cheaper than $600.
When I can get back into the game of creating my own controllers this will definitely one of the first places I check out!