Relationship of Existence and CGI Storyworlds

This may be just a crazy ranting brought on by delirium and Physical exhaustion. However, since it was on my mind and I was getting milk and cookies I thought I may as well jot down my ideas.

I really need to look this up so I don’t know for sure. I have been told there are some whom believe the universe exists because there is thought causing it to exist. In other words, consciousness is what drives existence. I suppose this is what drives new age-self help gurus such a “the Secret” and The Teachings of Abraham. We create our own existence through our thoughts. We create our reality by thinking it.

Let’s just assume this is true. Then maybe, when dealing with CG Story Worlds, those portions of the world should not exist until there is a consciousness driving it. In other word, the CGI worlds are created only when there are participants exploring that world. What exist when there is no consciousness? I don’t know. Maybe just language and graphical defaults. Needless to say this could be yet another, although random, argument for proceduralism helping to drive Interactive Story Worlds.

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