No Man’s Sky

I have done very little in the world of Interactive Storytelling recently. The game title I am associated with has been in Alpha for the last month. We just went past “Art Freeze”  which means the real bugs are being resolved.

Needless to say, one of the biggest news items was the big hit at E3 last week. No Man’s Sky was evidently the darling of the show.


I am really excited about this development. Here is an interactive procedural universe crawler. Now this may not be the most “plot-driven” of storyworlds. It does represent an initial, procedurally generated universe that has gained some commercial appeal.

This game has yet to be release. There is no telling if it will actually be a commercial hit or not. However, if it it it will be one of the first, commercially viable interactive story worlds.  As a game it may not be spectacular. However, as an open, expansive and unlimited universe it is a pioneer; one which others will follow and start building on the expertise.

I am very excited for these fellow and hope they have a big hit on their hands. It will open the doors for future, unbounded story worlds. As defined before, it will be considered as the “First”  “Grammar Based Universe”.

Very Exciting!

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