I have neglected the Grammar Based Universes aspect of my website for far too long. What better way to break the silence than with Mixamo. https://www.mixamo.com/ What mixamo is is a procedural [...]
This posting compliments a prior posting I created concerning the use of social media to perpetuate the interactive storytelling experience. The interactive storytelling experience is not a one [...]
Over the weekend I read Chris Crawford’s chapter on “Modeling”. Overall I like his approach to modeling human response and behavior. I think he’s got a good thing going. I [...]
I’m about half way through reading Chris Crawford’s “On Interactive Storytelling”. I am glad I picked up this version. After reading the older version I realized he has [...]
Within the last couple of days, I have been inundated with possibilities for creating the Raconteur Engine. In the long run, I’ll need to create a brand new engine with behavior and [...]
Immersive Storyworld (aka. Virtual Amusement Park) The Immersive Storyworld has two immediate ambitions. The first is to provide an engrossing interactive story experience. The second is to [...]
After having read Chris Crawford’s book on Interactive Storytelling he tells of a definite upward struggle to get the genre of Interactive Storytelling off the ground. Indeed for the amount [...]
Game 4: Airsoft(Capture the Flag) Medium: Physical And Skill Player Format: Team Competition/ Free For All Objectives: Shoot the other team mates Capture their flag Rules: Everyone starts with a [...]
Game 2: Tag Medium: Physical/Party Player Format: One Versus Many Objectives: Don’t be it Rules: Someone starts as “it” That person tries to physically tag someone else The [...]
Game 2: Scrabble Medium: Tile/Board Player Format: Free For All Objectives: Get most points Rules: Start by drawing seven tiles Take turns creating words with the tiles Draw more tiles to keep [...]