I recently copied an excerpt written by Janet M. Murray from her book Hamlet on the Holodeck. The article is called The shaping Role of the Human Storyteller. Murray does an excellent job in [...]
The buzz around VR and related technology keeps on exploding. In this article written by Business INsider, the expected VR market is expected to explode with VR shipments will create a $2.8 [...]
There is a non-profit research oriented group in Switzerland called Artanim. I have never heard of them before but they recently submitted a project to Siggraph and been accepted as a finalist. [...]
Procedural generation is sprouting everywhere and authors are more than eager to share their results. This net installment comes from Nick Donnelly in his article in his article “Procedural [...]
In an interview posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun, Chris Crawford admits his visions for an full interactive storytelling experience is still off in the future. Crawford believes the foundation for [...]
I just encountered an article from Road to VR article about The Void intending to build 230 Theme-park locations in the next five years. I have to admit that these plans are indeed ambitious and [...]
This is really cool and I’m glad Gamasutra was able to push this content online. This is a lecture given by Bei Yang, one of the executives in Imagineering. I had an opportunity to attend [...]
I have been tracking this wave for the last ten years and its finally starting to hit! Experience based entertainment is going through an upswing especially with the Millenials. I am [...]
When it rains it pours. I also encountered an article today on Kataku about the Hyde Horror Maze. Not entirely dissimilar to The Void or the IMyTH experience, these folks wish to create an [...]
Things in the VR/AR world have been going crazy lately. My website went down recently. However, after many hours of keyboard pounding, my lovely wife was able to get my site back up and [...]