Tick-Tock Unlock/Hyper Reality Experience

I knew there were going to be many players in the immersive experience industry. I just didn’t expect so many with quality product and coming from over-seas. Look out Void, Dreamscape, Zero Latency and iMyth, there is a new player in town and it looks like they are doing it right; Tick-Tock Unlock/Hyper Reality Experience!

The folks who started Tick-Tock, Ali and Samrien Kahn, are coming from a different perspective. The former engineer and Disney employee cut their immersive teeth on escape games.Tick-Tock Unlock appears to be a very successful franchise in Manchester, Glasgow, Liverpool and Leeds. Growing beyond escape games, the Kahns are venturing towards Virtual Reality and immersive experiences with real physical props and sets. They are featuring modular sets and theatrical “game masters” who guide participants into HTC Vive Headsets and take the experience into another dimension while creating a context and a mission.

Their first Hyper-Reality experience is scheduled to open late April. A larger experience center in London is expected to open later this year. They have two themes for games, a World War II shooter and a sword and sorcery fantasy. Other than integrating VR as a component of their escape games, not much else is known about about Tick-Tock Unlock or Hyper-Reality Experiences. However, if they deliver half of what they promise in their promo video, then companies such as The Void, Dreamscape and iMyth are in for some stiff competition.

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