What if laughter was a weapon? What if teasing could be an art form? What if the power of playfulness could change the world? Meet Tickle—iMyth’s first Hero, and a force to be reckoned with. [...]
A New Era of Storytelling Has Arrived Imagine standing in your own living room, talking to your favorite hero—an interactive, fully immersive character that remembers your name, responds to your [...]
When it rains it pours. I also encountered an article today on Kataku about the Hyde Horror Maze. Not entirely dissimilar to The Void or the IMyTH experience, these folks wish to create an [...]
Things in the VR/AR world have been going crazy lately. My website went down recently. However, after many hours of keyboard pounding, my lovely wife was able to get my site back up and [...]
One of the essential elements for creating the immersive Interactive story experience is the implementation of the the third person perspective. I have long maintained that the third person [...]
This is really cool. Folks are starting to re-discover a century old technique for recording immersive audio. Binaural sound duplicates the human head by recording with two microphones positioned [...]
While Choose you own adventure is not really Interactive Storytelling, it does touch along some of the same themes. The folks who created “Twine” have followed up with their second [...]
I never knew about these guys until today but they really seem to be on to something. I used to be a huge Imagineering wannabe. I still am. But now I’m an Occulus Story Studio wannabe! [...]
Here it is guys and galls. Microsoft, in support for their Windows 10, released information about a holographic AR headset they have been working on called, “HoloLens”. With Hololens, [...]
Challenges For VR Animators This article explains some of the problems associated with storyTelling in VR. It also provides some initial methods how animators are resolving them. I added an [...]