There is a non-profit research oriented group in Switzerland called Artanim. I have never heard of them before but they recently submitted a project to Siggraph and been accepted as a finalist. [...]
I just encountered an article from Road to VR article about The Void intending to build 230 Theme-park locations in the next five years. I have to admit that these plans are indeed ambitious and [...]
I have been tracking this wave for the last ten years and its finally starting to hit! Experience based entertainment is going through an upswing especially with the Millenials. I am [...]
When it rains it pours. I also encountered an article today on Kataku about the Hyde Horror Maze. Not entirely dissimilar to The Void or the IMyTH experience, these folks wish to create an [...]
Here is a company called Cyberith, who is developing a product which will enable, walking and otherwise full mobility within a VR environment. Admitedly, this is a neat concept. However, I [...]
For some reason this article posted on UploadVR has been haunting me, The Seven Deadly Sins of the Metaverse. Upon first reading I somewhat passed it off. However, while running this morning, a [...]