It’s been over two years since iMyth performed it’s last presentation of “The Courier,” and I have not scene a location based theme world experience like it since, until [...]
I just found out today about a new company offering their solution to a full body MOCAP suit. Introducing the new Enflux Full Body MOCAP suit. This suit is interesting because unlike the [...]
As promised, here is the second test for the iMyth MOCAP Suit. As a full disclaimer, the system is still very primitive and has far to go yet. But forward progress is being made. The system is [...]
Yesterday was a very special day as it marked the first successful Baby test of the new, iMyth MOCAP suit. It was a very simple test but worked well. Jon Albertson was the brave volunteer who [...]
According to Greenlight, more than 65{76c5cb8798b4dc9652375d1c19c86d53c1d1411f4e030dd406aa284e63c21817} of all VR revenue will come from headset sales this year. The anticipated revenue from VR [...]
Yesterday, HTC Vive Senior Engineer James Xiong posted a Vive IK Demo on GitHub, which includes a reference source code and a Unity Demo. Too bad it was not for UE4 but methinks this can be [...]
This posting is really to help keep track of numbers which will be used to structure iMyth’s budget and business plan. From an article posted by Upload VR, IMAX LA VR Center Sees 15,000 [...]
Up until this point, there has not been much information about the LA startup, Dreamscape Interactive. The Dreamscape history was revealed slightly from a Forbe’s Article, [...]
A couple of months ago, iMyth created a rough prototype of its immersive experience. One of iMyth’s key components is physical props and sets. We integrated very inexpensive props and sets [...]
I just discovered today there is a new player in town, Dreamscape Immersive. Dreamscape is a new Los Angeles-based startup for location-based virtual reality planning to open their first VR [...]