Staw Wars/The Void Coming to Orlando

I suppose it was only a matter of time. I gained wind that the Void had become part of the Disney Accelerator a couple of weeks ago. Last week I had learned that the Void would be opening an installation here in Orlando. I was not quite sure and I should have put two and two together earlier. It’s official, ILMX and The Void will be opening a Star wars experience, “Secrets of the Empire” in Orlando some time around the holidays. I don’t have any details other than what I have mentioned above.

From the cover art I see that it is going to be a very similar experience as the Ghost Buster’s experience except that it is going to take place in the Star Wars theme world. The one major difference will be the inclusion of a digital interactor, K-2SO. There is some test footage of the autonomous robot posted in the Forbes internet article, ILMX Autonomous Interactors. Mind that this interactor is autonomous and not driven by a human being.

I’m very excited to see the results of this. I would think that ILMX has created the majority of the experience already and will spend the next couple of months shoe-horning it into the Void system. I will have a full review once the attraction is available.

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