Introducing, from Mother Russia : Anvio!

The newest competitor in the location based VR experience market is a start up from Moscow called Anvio. Anvio is a great looking, full body motion capture VR experience.

The setup employs full body motion capture from a Moscow based company, Vortex LLC., mixed with off the shelf HMD equipment (Oculus Rift) and backpack computers. From the videos they seems to have a very fleshed out experience.

With their 2,150 square foot arena, one can’t help compare Anvio with Zero Latency. However with plank walking, floors breaking apart, soccer balls, and a seemingly less arcade like experience, it would seem Anvio has a superior product. An interesting observation is that Anvios offers fill body Motion capture which none of the existing experience companies are providing. By effective tracking of wrists, ankles and bodies, the participants are empowered to interact on a far more organic and intimate level. It will be interesting to see where this company goes. They plan on opening a facility in London in the near future. These guys are really exciting!

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