Here are updates of the top seven companies perusing the ever elusive goal of providing wireless HMD transmissions. IMR – Immersive Robotics (Mach-2K) From IMR : IMR is at the forefront of [...]
This is starting to get a bit comical. It seems everywhere you look there is new immersive experience company sprouting. Not more than two days ago I blogged about Knott’s Berry Farm [...]
I love Knott’s Berry Farm. When living in Southern California I looked forward to every opportunity to visit the nation’s first theme park. Although the rides were definitely geared [...]
I just discovered today there is a new player in town, Dreamscape Immersive. Dreamscape is a new Los Angeles-based startup for location-based virtual reality planning to open their first VR [...]
I just encountered an interesting article written last week while I was at GDC. The article was written by Sunny Dhillon of Tech Crunch who wrote, “Mixed Realty Arcades are the next big [...]
SteamVR is busily working on its next generation of tracking. The most significant advancement is in the Lighthouse, the core component of VR tracking. SteamVR Tracking is accomplished with two [...]
I posted an article yesterday, Immersive Market Heating Up, about the on-coming impact immersive experiences will make in the world of entertainment. Almost as providence, Forbes posted a [...]
Lat month, in December, iMyth Demonstrated full body tracking for its interactor using the Perception Neuron tracking outfit. It was an impressive bit of engineering to get the system up and [...]
I just read an article from the New York times, “With New Invention, VR’s Potential for Magic Gets Real“. It is an interesting article that gives a little background information [...]
An interesting article was just posted on Upload VR called, The Void Upgrades Display, Aims For 20 Installations This Year. This is an interesting article and it seems to raise some very valid [...]