Here is a quick and cool development involving Leap and OSVR. The folks over at Leap will be bundling their goods with the Razor folks in their combined OSVR package which is an open source VR [...]
During my daily wanderings I happened to chance an article about a company in London, Improbable, obtaining $20 M in funding. Great job guys! Congratulations. I wanted to know more about who was [...]
Here is an interesting new article by the Swiss Institute of Forensic Medicine proposing using VR to help settle Court Room decisions. They are looking into using VR to re-create crime scenes or [...]
These are indeed exciting times! HTC Vive has just drop its hat into the VR ring with with HTC Vive; Valve’s HR headset: HTC Vive Not much is known about this headset but supposedly they [...]
In a recent article posted on Gamasutra, “only safe way forward,” the CEO from Magic Leap, Rony Abovitz, tries to spin fear into the developers of AR/VR devices. In a nutshell, he [...]
In a recent article by the “Atlantic Magazine“, the social risks of immersive Technologies were examined. Ultimately, at this time, it is just too early to understand the social [...]
While the information has been slow in coming, the bread crumbs cluing us in to what’s going on at Magic Leap are starting to formulate. In this article by Rachel Metz for the MIT [...]
One of the essential elements for creating the immersive Interactive story experience is the implementation of the the third person perspective. I have long maintained that the third person [...]
This is really cool. Folks are starting to re-discover a century old technique for recording immersive audio. Binaural sound duplicates the human head by recording with two microphones positioned [...]